IEA Dues Restructure

Full 6 Year Ramp Calculator 

At the 2022 IEA Representative Assembly, the membership passed a new dues structure that will change the rate at which IEA will calculate individual members dues.  As members of IEA and Region 24, we believe this will impact our ability to retain our current members and recruit new members during the 6 year ramp and beyond. 

Since last year, in an effort to understand, implement, and educate our members, it has become apparent that the long term effects of this new dues structure are not fully understood and could have devastating consequences on the future of IEA and local membership. 

Members of Region 24, two who have sat on the state-wide IEA Dues Restructure subcommittee, have asked repeatedly for data and information about what this new dues structure will look like in years 3, 4, 5, and 6 but we have been told repeatedly it cannot be done.  This has also been asked by other members on the virtual dues structure webinar and the response was the same.  

Below is a calculator that members from Region 24 created using the language found in the bylaw amendment that passed last year.  It takes the average teacher salary ($72,315) and multiplies that by .075 to calculate the base dues amount.  The base dues are then used to calculate what each member will pay based on their creditable earnings.  For the purposes of this calculator, we stayed conservative and froze the average teacher salary ($72,315) for the next six years.  This will show you what the implementation of this structure will ultimately look like if nothing changes (in the last six years alone the average teacher salary grew 12%).  A rise in the average teacher salary will raise the base dues amount.

Below is a graph pulled directly from the Illinois School Report Card  that illustrates that the average state salary has ONLY increased over the last 10 years.  This will continue as we collectively bargain for higher salaries that fight the current rates of inflation.  

Additionally, we have created a calculator for Education Support Professionals that can be found by clicking here.

After the calculator, you can find more information about the bylaws our Region has proposed.

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*If viewing this page on a desktop computer or tablet, click here for a better view of the calculator*

What comes next?

Region 24 has proposed 7 bylaw amendments to eliminate this structure or slow down the ramp up and prevent the large dues increases that will be coming for ALL of our IEA members.  Information on all of these bylaws can be found on

Proposed Bylaw Amendment 1 - Full Repeal of the Dues Restructure

Proposed Bylaw Amendment 2 - Multiplier Reduction from .75 to .66

Proposed Bylaw Amendment 3 - Reduce from 10 bands to 1 band

Proposed Bylaw Amendment 4 - Calculate dues based on minimum teacher salary

Proposed Bylaw Amendment 5 - Reduce from 10 bands to 3 bands

Proposed Bylaw Amendment 7 - Reduce top band from 130% to 125%

Proposed Bylaw Amendment 12 - Additional funding for locals over 1000 members

If you have questions about the calculator, the proposed bylaw amendments, or are willing to help support these bylaw amendments you can email:

Scott Sternal -

Steve Hoyt - 

Website hosted by the Elgin Teachers Association